Intro Your first impression on this topic might deceive you, but not if you knew how I simplify it to just two types of guitar players. To me, there are either [1] Melodic guitarists, or [2] Harmonic guitarists. You can categorize a guitarist into two parts, unlike the countless sub-genres we have in music is because it's the two different styles, you can actually play the instrument. That's it. I hope I've not lost you there. Please bear with me and read on; it will be apparent very soon. Step one is understanding the difference between melodic and harmonic guitar parts. Melodic Guitarists My definition of a melodic guitar player would be someone who plays the guitar to produce a melodic music piece. A melodic music piece is just a melody, a single line of music. For example, a violin is a melodic instrument because you cannot play other strings in unison [or in harmonic - we will get to it in the next point], you have to play a melodic piece but using one s...